Always fun talking to Dr. Tamara Soles about pretty much anything, but this time, I got to talk to her about time management, ADHD, and fun tools from my book including: The Brain Warm-Up, The Gear Shifter, and The Color Coder. Find out how to use the color red to stop losing your phone, and how to use Wordle to help you focus, and other fun brain tricks... Thanks, Dr. Soles, for having me on your show. If you're a psychologist, you can actually get C.E. credits for just listening to me on this show - how cool is that? Podcast link: https://drtamarasoles.com/episode-43/ I was happy to also interview Dr. Soles on my podcast recently, The Motivation Mindset, where she shares her own time management tips - check that out when it's live, too, you're not going to want to miss her scheduling tips! theultimatetoolkitbooks.com #adhd #anxiety #timemanagement #organization #executivefunctioning #leadership #business #schedule #timeblocking |
Risa Williams,